
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Where to print your family photographs

Ok, so you’ve got your professional family photographs back from your photographer (or me) … now what?

PRINT YOUR PHOTOS! … don’t let them waste away on USD’s, and in files lost on your computer.

But PLEEEAAASSSEE don’t just print your photos at Kmart, or somewhere cheap like Picture Postie, this kind of printing, will not do the photography, and particularly the editing justice. The colours of your photographs will come out completely different to the way your photographer has edited the photos for you.

I can highly reccomend of the following sites for all your printing needs:

Fred Snow

Brillant Prints


and if you are wanting a whole book, you can’t go past:

Milk Books

Have you come across anywhere else you like to get family photographs printed? get in contact, I’m always interested, and if I love them too, I’ll add them to the list.