
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Creatives in the industry you need for your next photoshoot

You’ve booked a shoot with me, what’s next? … do you want to know the top 4 questions I get asked by my clients? 

Do you have a make up artist you recommend? 

Erin Forbes is my number 1 recommendation for make up, she can also style hair, but if it’s a bigger shoot, with more people, you may want to book in with Moosh Hair Studio

Where do you purchase fresh flowers and greenery? 

If you can get there, The GC Flower Market, in Burliegh Heads is fantastic, closer to my local area, I use Tugun Fruit and Flower Market

Where can we hire furniture and large props for our photo shoot? 

I have a large collection of smaller homewares props available to hire for my shoots, but if there are larger furniture items you are in need of for your shoot, I can highly recommend Tailored Space Interiors, in Tweed Heads. 

What is your favourite studio to work in? 

I do have my own photography studio, to use for small shoots …. when it’s not possible to use my own photography studio (if it is a larger shoot, with a bigger team) … my favourite Photography Studio is 11 Past 11 Studio in Currumbin, Masa is always so helpful, and is set up so well, for all kinds of shoots, he has everything you need.