
Browse the portfolio of Tanika’s professional photography work and learn more of her experience in the industry using her blog posts she writes for each project she completes.

Stradbroke Island Interior and Location Photography for Airbnb, The Green House & Interior Deisgner, Brie Turton

We were so thrilled to work with this beautiful family, and talented Interior Deisgner to capture the essence of this new home, on our favourite island, Stradbroke Island Minjerribah land.

We spent 3 days/nights at the home, getting everything styled ready to shoot, and using two afternoons and two mornings to get all the natural light we could for every room.

We then went on to create their logo and website, check it out:

The Green House - Stradbroke Island

and check out more of Sydney the interior designer, Brie Turton’s work here.

This job was published on The Design Files in August 2023. A huge career highlife for the team.